Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pink snow mold weather this spring?

You better believe it's pink snow mold season! North facing slopes in the rough indicate that conditions have been ideal.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Before and after on #8... minus the sod...

The beginning of a bark chip path approach to 7 green...

The existing steep transition to the cart path proved to be unsustainable...this bark chip path will allow for adequate turf growth and reduced wear and tear to the area...

New steps on 8 !

Wet, shady conditions magnify the wear and tear of this slope...hence the steps...the challenge was fitting these imperfect steps, not 7" tall, into this space to allow for enough tread space without running out of room between the path and the tee...

Monday, April 15, 2013

A step or two forward...

We put in some steps on the 3rd tee today...this is a heavy shade environment that can experience excessive wear on the slopes...the steps should help with this issue...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Poa annua vs. L93 Bentgrass...I'll take bent!

The first photo is a sample from the 9th green at Oakhurst...the Poa annua sample (left) has spindly new root growth at best vs. the L93 creeping Bentgrass which has a much more robust root system already.

The second photo is an overall view of the area these samples were taken from (side by side.)